Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2019 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Experimental studies for the measurement of muons using WILLI detector and dose estimation
Authors: Madalina DOBRE (1), Alexandru BALACEANU (2), Toma MOSU (2), Denis STANCA (2), Ionel LAZANU (1)
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, RO-077125, Măgurele-Bucharest, Romania
2) Department of Nuclear Physics, National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering “Horia Hulubei”, Atomistilor 407, RO-077125, POB-MG6, Măgurele-Bucharest, Romania
E-mail madalinadobre19@yahoo.com
Keywords: muons, WILLI calorimeter, total dose rate, ground level
Abstract: The cosmic ray muon contribution to the total dose rate was estimated based on measurements performed at IFIN-HH, Magurele, Romania, in april 2019. The muons were measured at ground level using two of the active layers of WILLI calorimeter, each composed of 90x90x3 cm3 plastic scintillator sheets, the optical signals generated by the interacting particles being read out by two photomultipliers through wavelength shifters. The total dose rate was obtained both inside the WILLI building and outside using Automess Dose Rate Meters 6150 AD-b scintillator probe.
Geant 4 simulations were performed in order to reconstruct the spectra of the deposited energy due to muon interaction with the sensitive volume of the detector. Based on this, the cosmic ray muon dose was obtained, by converting the pulse height spectrum measured with WILLI into deposited energy.