Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2019 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: GEANT4 simulations of interaction of photons and electrons with matter for radiotherapy applications
Authors: Dorin-Ion ERHAN, Oana RISTEA
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 405 Atomiștilor Street, B.O.Box MG-11, Măgurele–Ilfov, 077125, Romania
E-mail dorinerhan@gmail.com,oana.ristea@gmail.com
Keywords: GEANT4, radiotherapy
Abstract: Different types of radiations can be used in radiotherapy for cancer treatment, such as: photons, electrons, protons, neutrons and heavy ions. An essential requirement for a successful radiation therapy is the accurate calculation of dose distributions inside the irradiated tissues. Therefore, Monte Carlo calculations of particle transport, followed by the tracking and energy deposition in the tissues of interest are very important.
The present work is based on Monte Carlo simulations using GEANT4 code for the transport of electrons and photons in matter. We will present the Bragg curves for electrons and photons in different materials (water, bone, brain and soft tissues). The electrons were investigated in the 4 - 22 MeV energy range and photons in 1.25 - 18 MeV energy range. The energy and material dependence of the stopping power will be shown and discussed.