Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2021 Meeting
Section: Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics
Title: Plasma behavior in focus of frontal laser collision setup
Authors: Alexei ZUBAREV (1), Marina CUZMINSCHI (2,3)
Affiliation: 1) National Institute for Laser, Plasma & Radiation Physics, Romania
2) Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania
3) Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Romania
E-mail alxzubarev@gmail.com
Keywords: plasma-laser interaction, EPOCH, PIC, inertial nuclear fusion
Abstract: In modern high intensity laser installations the most common configuration for scientific experiments is placing of a target in focus of a single laser beam. This configuration is suitable for acceleration of electrons and ions, simulation of any astrophysical phenomena, study of nuclei and light interaction and X-ray production. However in some cases a symmetrical radiation of a target is required. Such configuration allows a uniform symmetrical confinement of radiated targets in inertial nuclear fusion experiment, and ensures more efficient plasma heating therefore it is promising for study of matter behavior in extreme conditions [1]. Usually a symmetrical laser collision is considered hard to implement, however plasma mirrors with finite decay time allow such experiments in safe conditions.
In our work we described the phenomena which have place in a target placed in the focus of two lasers with opposite propagation directions of the beams. We used EPOCH PIC code [2] to simulate the plasma-laser iteration and growing of the instabilities in the target. We describe the evolution of main plasma parameters such as temperature, pressure, concentration of the electrons and ions. As well we determine the electrical and magnetic fields distribution and the currents generated in plasma upon the laser radiation influence.
We observed that for short laser pulses only the electrons are influenced by laser radiation and their concentration increases in the center of the target for all pulse duration time. Respectively for long pulses both electronic and ionic components are influenced by laser radiation. The plasma in confined and the electronic and ionic temperatures increase. During the interaction of plasma with long laser pulses the secondary electromagnetic fields generated in plasma start to play an important role and instabilities are growing.
[1] Craxton, R. S., et al. "Direct-drive inertial confinement fusion: A review." Physics of Plasmas 22.11 (2015): 110501.
[2] Bennett, Keith, et al. "Users manual for the EPOCH PIC codes." University of Warwick, Coventry, UK (2017).
Acknowledgement: A. Zubarev acknowledges financial support from the Projects 16N/08.02.2019