Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2021 Meeting
Section: Physics Education
Title: Study of potable water from wells in the metropolitan Bucharest area, influences on human health - interdisciplinary lab
Authors: Sanda VOINEA (1), Cornelia NICHITA (1,2), Eliza BURCHIU (3), Cornelia DIAC (1), Iulia ARMEANU (1)
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 405 Atomistilor Street, 077125, Magurele, Romania
2) National Institute for Chemical – Pharmaceutical Research and Development, 112 Vitan Avenue, 031299, Bucharest, Romania
3) Fundeni Clinical Institute, 258 Fundeni Street, 022328, Bucharest
E-mail armeanuiulia99@yahoo.com
Keywords: Drinking water, nitrate, metal concentration, human health, interdisciplinary laboratory
Abstract: The quality of drinking water has a special importance on human health. This paper presents an interdisciplinary experimental lab for students to determine the water quality. The case study is focused on the waters coming from wells in the Bucharest metropolitan area, which may influence the health of the population living here. The experimental works measure the pH, electrical conductivity, nitrate concentration and metals concentration in the water samples. The results showed an important exceedance of the legal nitrate concentration value for drinking water from the northern neighborhood of Bucharest. At the same time, exceedances of the maximum allowed concentration for Cu in the Snagov area were identified. In these areas, further studies are needed related to the health of the inhabitants, taking into account the effects of the presence of nitrates and metals in drinking water. The proposed laboratory is a model for understanding concepts in chemistry and physics related to human health and environmental issues.