2025-03-07 4:28


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2021 Meeting

Section: Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics

Mass and momentum of the material point. Relativistic consequences


1) University of Pitesti, Faculty of Sciences, 110040, Pitesti, Targu din Vale St., no.1, Arges, Romania, Phone: +40 348-453100, Fax: +40 348-453123,


inertial mass, internal parameters, mechanical state equations, momenter

In the general study of thermodynamic systems and phenomena, the mass is an internal state parameter, same as electric charge and temperature. However, in the study of mechanical phenomena, it appears as an external state parameter: the mass is defined dynamically in relation to the applied force and depends on the velocity relative to the system of reference. We have always considered this situation contradictory and paradoxical. In the present study, we reconstruct in the most natural way the concept of mass in mechanics, as an internal parameter of the mechanical system. We use an algorithm similar to the one by which the temperature was introduced. This involves the correct definition of the mechanical state and the principial construction of an empirical momentum measurement device (momenter). But in these conditions, the mass no longer depends on velocity, which is another reason to revise the relativistic physical models.


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