Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2021 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Turbulence detection using lidar and wind profilers
Authors: Razvan PIRLOAGA (1,2),
Livio BELEGANTE (2),
Sabina STEFAN (1),
Aurelian RADU (3)
Affiliation: (1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, P.O. BOX, MG-11, Magurele, Romania
(2) National Institute of Research & Development for Optoelectronics – INOE 2000, 409 Atomiștilor str., 077125, Magurele, Ilfov, Romania
(3) Institute of Space Science, 409 Atomistilor Street, Magurele, Ilfov County, Romania
E-mail razvan.pirloaga@inoe.ro
Keywords: turbulence, lidar, CONTUR
Abstract: Turbulence is one of the most common phenomena that cause damage for aviation also characterized by a low degree of predictability. The main objective of the CONTUR campaigns ("Emerging Technologies to Counteract the Effects Induced by the Turbulent Flows of Fluid Environments") was to use a synergy of instruments to validate lidar in its mission to detect a particular type of turbulence, Clear Air Turbulence (CAT), with significant importance for aviation. To detect CAT, we used as a proxy thermal turbulences which can be detected using ground-based lidars. Turbulences formed in the planetary boundary layer can be detected by lidars because pressure gradients generate variations of the molecular depolarization values but on specific conditions. A synergy of instruments with different wavelengths of the emitted radiation can increase the accuracy of observations in the investigated areas thus validating the results. In this study, we show the results from several measurement campaigns using a Raman lidar, a Doppler wind lidar, and a Sodar. These instruments were installed at a site in the south-western part of Bucharest and the measurements collected were used in a synergetic manner to understand CAT.
Acknowledgement: This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministery of Research and Innovation, CCCDI - UEFISCDI, project number 87 PCCDI/2018PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0868.