Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2021 Meeting
Section: Physics Education
Title: Romanian Educational Seismic Network can monitor earthquakes worldwide
Authors: Bogdan ZAHARIA (1), Bogdan GRECU (1), Dragoș TĂTARU (1), Cristian NEAGOE (1), Florin ȘERBU (2)
Affiliation: 1) National Institute for Earth Physics, Măgurele, Romania
2) "Carmen Sylva" High School, Eforie Sud, Romania
E-mail bzaharia@infp.ro
Keywords: school seismology, earthquake, Raspberry Shake, educational seismometers
Abstract: In the last decades numerous seismic educational networks have been installed all over the world. The Romanian Educational Seismic Network (ROEDUSEIS) was the first initiative to introduce seismology in Romanian schools and joined successful examples such as “Seismographs in school” promoted by the IRIS in the United States, the United Kingdom “Schools Seismology Network” administered by the British Geological Survey, or French “Sismo à l’école” projects. These initiatives have proven to be useful for connecting the students to Earth sciences and stimulate their motivation to continue learning using the multiple tools available online. The emergence of low cost seismic instruments connected to the global network has led to the densification of instruments installed in schools and to the involvement of a significant number of amateur seismologists. In addition to educational seismometers such as SEP or Slinky seismometers, since 2020 the ROEDUSEIS network has been equipped with 18 Raspberry Shake seismometers known worldwide as the smallest and most accessible electronic seismographs with semi-professional performance. The installation of Raspberry Shake seismometers increased the recording capacity of the network. Initially, the earthquake detection capacity of the ROEDUSEIS network was limited due to the lower performance of SEP or Slinky seismometers. Presently we can record earthquakes from worldwide starting with local earthquakes of magnitudes ML of 2.5 and reaching over 5000 km for teleseisms with magnitudes Mw of 6. Data from the network are distributed through the FDSNW service following the same protocol than for scientific networks. Methods and programs of data analysis are adapted for application in the learning process of geosciences in schools. Python codes and Jupyter Notebook used by seismologists to analyze seismic data are now available to teachers and students to improve their programing skills using real seismic data and to learn more about Earth sciences.
Acknowledgement: This is a contribution of the "Noaptea Cercetătorilor Europeni" – „Opening Up Science” project founded through H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2020bis, G.A. nr. 101036006 program; contract 31N/2019, PN 19080202 project and ”SETTING” project MySMIS: 108206.