Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2021 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: On the possibility of strangelets detection
Authors: Mihaela PÂRVU (1), Ionel LAZANU (1)
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
E-mail mihaela.parvu@unibuc.ro
Keywords: Physics beyond standard model, strangelets, detection, experiment
Abstract: The new generation of neutrino experiments opens a window for searches of physics Beyond Standard Model (BSM), a particular case being strange quark matter (SQM) that is a hypothetical strongly interacting matter composed of roughly equal numbers of u, d, s quarks and a small number of electrons. The SQM objects are considered as cold dark matter candidates and may be present in the cosmic radiation reaching Earth. Light SQM objects (A < 10^7) are usually called strangelets, while heavier ones are known as nuclearites.
In this communication, we are exploring the peculiarities of strangelets interactions and also the possibility to put in evidence the capabilities of this material to detect and identify the produced signals.
Acknowledgement: This work was performed with the financial support of the PNCDI III 2015-2020, Programme 5, Module CERN-RO, contract no. 2/2020.