Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2021 Meeting
Section: Physics Education
Title: Employing ImageJ software as a measurement tool for optics experiments in the didactic laboratory
Authors: Adriana RADU (1,2), Mihai-Valerian POPESCU (3), Catalin BERLIC (1), Cristina MIRON (1), Valentin BARNA (1)
Affiliation: 1) Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania
2) National College “Mihai-Viteazul”, Ploiesti, Romania
3) National College “Ion Luca Caragiale”, Ploiesti, Romania
E-mail fizica.prahova@gmail.com, ccdwm@yahoo.com, cberlic@gmail.com, cristina.miron@fizica.unibuc.ro, barnavalentin@yahoo.com
Keywords: Image processing software, ImageJ, optics experiment, physics education
Abstract: In this paper, we used ImageJ as image processing software for analysis of the data obtained from experiments in optics physics laboratory. We employed the software to investigate the interference and diffraction patterns obtained from Newton's rings, Fresnel biprism and the diffraction patterns acquired by diffraction gratings. ImageJ is a free software that is extensively used in scientific research for measurement and inquiry. The program is very easy to use and merely demands computational hardware resources that can be found on usual computers. It is also easy to understand by most of the students while being very efficient and accurate. The tool is extremely useful and precise, helping the students to focus on understanding the concepts. It can be also adapted to many laboratories assisting to improve their educational aptitudes.