Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2022 Meeting
Section: Physics Education
Title: M-learning in the study of quantities characteristic of pseudo-periodic oscillating motion
Authors: Marilena COLT (1,2), Valentin BARNA (1)
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Bucharest-Magurele, ROMANIA
2) ”Ion Luca Caragiale” National College, Ploiesti, ROMANIA
E-mail enachemarilena2007@yahoo.com, barnavalentin@yahoo.com
Keywords: M-learning, Phyphox app, magnetic field, physics education
Abstract: Effective teaching methods and strategies involve both practical scientific activities and integrated content, implemented based on today's technological developments. The approaches to an experimental Physics lesson presented in this paper emphasize the integrated learning of content, as knowledge of Physics, Mathematics, and Information Technology is required simultaneously to realize experiments. An example of one-dimensional fast-damping motion and one-dimensional slow-damping motion in which the variability of the magnetic field plays an important role in the study of motion is presented. We have proposed a way to study pseudo-periodic oscillations in a modern way of collecting data with a smartphone. Specifically, damped oscillating movements of some are studied by mechanical systems such as the gravitational pendulum, respectively spring, following the values of the induction of the magnetic field indicated by the magnetic sensor of a smartphone accessed through the Phyphox app [1]. During experiments, the smartphone becomes inaccessible so data must be analyzed on another device. Phyphox removes the limitation that the phone becomes inaccessible during experiments. With a Wi-Fi connection, students could track real-time graphics by accessing a URL because the Phyphpx application can generate a private IP address. Experimental data were exported for analysis and further post-processing with Origin software. From the data, the damping coefficient, the logarithmic decrement, the half-life and the lifetime are calculated. The introduction of the smartphone at high school level in experimental physics lessons in the study of mechanical phenomena also develops the students' technological skills, while creating links between theory and real life, between formal and informal knowledge.
[1] https://phyphox.org/,accessed 2022.
Acknowledgement: Authors thank the enthusiasm of high-school students of “I.L. Caragiale” National College, who participated in the study.