Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2022 Meeting
Section: Polymer Physics
Title: New Computational Perspective on Quantum Computing and Polymer Physics
Authors: Marius Iulian MIHAILESCU(1), Valentin BARNA(2), Valentina MARASCU(3)
Affiliation: 1) Scientific Research Center in Mathematics and Computer Science, SPIRU HARET University, Bucharest, Romania.
2) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 405 Atomistilor Street, 077125, Magurele, Romania.
3) National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, 409 Atomistilor Street, 077125, Magurele, Romania.
E-mail m.mihailescu.mi@spiruharet.ro; valentina.marascu@gmail.com
Keywords: quantum computing; computation physics; polymer physics; PYSIMM
Abstract: The paper will bring into readers attention the importance of quantum computing and computational physics, underling the strengths and the main advantages why these two disciplines should be considered as a main bridge between theoretical physics and experimental physics. This is performed and achieved through quantum computers and its applications, representing a unique direction in the current context, mainly quantum computing era. As a case study we have choose to show how the polymer physics could be modelled by using the quantum annealing machines, in such way to have an optimization process for identifying the global minimum for a certain objective function based on a set of candidate solutions and states. The simulation is performed using PYSIMM (Python Simulation Interface for Molecular Modeling) tool which is open-source object-oriented Python package for molecular simulations. The tool can handle the data organization and provide a unique developing and simulation workflow.