Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2022 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Geant4 Simulations of Markus Ionization Chambers required in Laser–Based Accelaration Experiments
Authors: Andreea-Cristina POPA (1), Andi CUCOANES (2), Oana RISTEA (1)
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Department of Electricity, Solid-State Physics and Biophysics, Atomistilor Street 405, 077125 Măgurele, Ilfov, Romania;
2) Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics, LGED Department, No. 30, Reactorului Street,
Magurele, Ilfov, ROMANIA (077125)
E-mail itsdreapopa@gmail.com
Keywords: ionization chamber, Geant4, simulation, laser acceleration, Monte Carlo
Abstract: An ionization chamber creates an electric field by placing two electrodes within an enclosed volume of gas or air. Under the influence of this field, ion pairs formed along the path of a particle that hit the detector, begin to drift. The ionization chamber is operated in current mode in its most basic form by detecting the average current corresponding to drifting ions and electrons within its active volume [1].The Advanced Markus chamber is a special case of ionization chamber, having a plane-parallel design of the electrodes and a vented sensitive volume of 0.02 cm3, filled with air. Such detector is used in connection to precision electrometers for measurements in high energy electron beams, as a reference in absolute dosimetry, i.e., for measuremenet of dose and dose rate in radiation therapy [2]. We implemented the geometry of this ionization chamber in GEANT4 [3] and we analysed the range of energies for both electrons and protons in relation to laser-based acceleration experiments. In this context, we examined the detector response to nominal ranges of energies (2-45 MeV for electrons and 50-270 MeV for protons) and beyond these values, analysing the deposited energy given by multiple Monte Carlo simulations, each containing 10^7 events.
[1] – Glenn F. Knoll, in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition), 2003
[2] – Advanced Markus Chamber Type 34045 – User Manual
[3] – https://geant4.web.cern.ch