Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2022 Meeting
Section: Physics Education
Title: Psychological mechanisms of stimulating and energizing the learning process of quantum random walk
Authors: Alexandru DĂNESC, Iulia GHIU
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
E-mail alexandru.danesc@s.unibuc.ro
Keywords: pedagogy, mechanisms of representation, motivation, quantum random walk
Abstract: In this work we present methods of teaching high school pupils an University topic, the quantum random walk. The psychic mechanisms of operating the topic’s information are presented: sensitivity, sensibility, perceptions, representations, cognition and memory. Hence, multiple representations related to quantum random walk are presented to the reader. The psychological mechanisms of stimulating and energizing this learning process are presented: motivation and affection. The reader is being encouraged to apply in his own daily life the newly acquired knowledge. For the ease of understanding we depart by studying the classical random walk. We offer everyday life examples with interdisciplinary character and different representations. For stimulating the pupil we extrapolate the cases of zero steps and an infinite number of steps. Then, we continue by studying the quantum random walk, enhancing its shifting character. We offer graphical representations, comparisons with the classical case, and possible modern applications.
Acknowledgement: We thank professor Virgil Baran for useful discussions.