Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2022 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: A dedicated tool for co-seismic interferogram generation and displacements
Authors: Nicușor NECULA (1,2), Eduard Ilie NĂSTASE (1), Dragoș TĂTARU (1)
Affiliation: 1) National Institute for Earth Physics, Măgurele, Romania
2) Tulnici Research Station, Alexandu Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Iași, Romania
E-mail nicusor.necula@infp.ro, eduard_nastase@infp.ro, dragos@infp.ro
Keywords: SAR data, DInSAR, earthquakes, ground deformations
Abstract: Earthquakes are one of the most devastating natural hazards on Earth, which captivate scientists’ interest, and governments, as it is one of the most challenging hazards to assess. Many tools and technology have been developed in the last decades to investigate these events and better understand them. These tools are deployed on the ground or space to monitor the most critical seismic areas. Interferometry is a sophisticated remote sensing technique that relies on the microwave signal’s properties to detect Earth surface changes with millimeter accuracy. However, it got a lot of interest in the last three decades due to the specifically designed missions in the SAR domain to permanently orbit the Earth.
In simple words, this technique needs two images acquired in the same track direction to measure the phase changes that might occur due to earthquake-related deformations. In this case, the difference in phase signal between those two SAR images results in a co-seismic interferogram. Further, surface displacements related to earthquake hazards are determined based on the interferogram fringes.
In this aspect, we aim to develop an easy-to-use web module, integrated into a platform called SETTING (Integrated thematic services in the field of Earth observation: a national platform for innovation), for the unspecialized public users who will be getting the final products. The module will automatically perform the interferogram generation process and calculate the spatial deformations. The results this module deliver is trivial, allowing a non-expert to get an idea about the impact of an earthquake. Moreover, these results can be easily used by other professionals and experts from different fields as prior information for planning and development policies and related studies or the damage assessment caused by a specific event.