Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2023 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Airborne and satellite-based assessment of CH4 at a regional scale in Romania
Authors: A. Scarlat (1,2), S. Iancu (1,2), A. Nemuc (3), A. Tudor (1,2), S. Ghemulet (1), M. Dima (2), G. Iorga (2,4), D. Scuttemeyer (5), A. Calcan (6)
Affiliation: 1) National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli" - INCAS, Bucharest, Romania
2) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Atomistilor 405, Magurele, 077125 Bucharest, Romania
3) National Institute of Research and Development for Optoelectronics – INOE 2000, Magurele, Romania
4) University of Bucharest, Department of Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry, Regina Elisabeta 4-12, 030018 Bucharest, Romania
5) ESA/ESTEC European Space Agency
6) UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
E-mail scarlat.alin30@gmail.com
Keywords: Methane, Satellite data, Airborne, Climate change, Atmosphere
Abstract: Methane is a potent greenhouse gas with a significant impact on Earth's atmosphere and on climate. To better understand its distribution and sources, satellite data and airborne measurements have been utilized worldwide. In Romania, studies on methane have just begun and researchers are turning to use both remote and in situ measurements to gain insights into the country's contribution to the global methane budget and its impact on the local atmosphere.
The present study will show a part of the results from monitoring campaigns that have been conducted over the Bucharest and Ploiesti area, during the time period 2021-2022, within the Technical Assistance for a Romanian Atmospheric Mobile Observation System (RAMOS) and Atmospheric Composition Uncertainty Field Studies (QA4EO) projects.
The measurements were performed with the instrument Picarro G2401 which is based on the "cavity ring-down spectroscopy" (CRDS) technique, mounted onboard the BN-2 Islander research aircraft, operated by the National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” (INCAS) in Bucharest, Romania.
The importance of continued monitoring and efforts to reduce methane emissions in Romania is also emphasized, as well as the critical role that satellite data and airborne measurements can play in providing a comprehensive understanding of the methane problem. Outcomes of present research provide crucial information on the distribution and sources of methane to policymakers and stakeholders working to address this critical issue of the country's methane emissions and atmospheric concentrations, at least on a regional scale.
Acknowledgement: AS work was partially supported by Active-CAART - Adapting to climate change through the development of airborne operational capabilities, funded by MCID - contract no. 32PFE/2021. SI, AC and GI acknowledge the support from NO Grants 2014-2021, under Project EEA-RO-NO-2019-0423, contract no 31/01.09.2020.
This study was also supported by the RAMOS - Technical Assistance for a Romanian Atmospheric Mobile Observation System project funded by European Space Agency under grant number 4000118115/16/NL/FF/gp, by the QA4EO - Atmospheric Composition Uncertainty Field Studies project funded by European Space Agency under the grand number 4000128426/19 /NL/FF/ab. This study was made with the help of Copernicus Sentinel data for year 2021 processed by Sentinel Hub (https://s5phub.copernicus.eu/dhus/#/home).