2024-11-23 18:28


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2023 Meeting

Section: Solid State Physics and Materials Science, Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers

Material characterization for energy measurement of laser pulses

Radu L. CARAGEA (1,2), Dan MATEI(2), Marian C. BĂZĂVAN(1), Daniel URSESCU(1,2)

1) Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, 077125 Bucharest Magurele, Romania

2) Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics, ‘Horia Hulubei’ National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, 077125 Bucharest Magurele, Romania



The development of powerful laser systems, like the one currently in use at Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics, capable of generating 10 PW power [1], [2], poses unique challenges in terms of measuring the laser pulses. These challenges can potentially affect their application in experiments. To address these issues, it becomes crucial to closely monitor and assess the laser beam parameters. One of the most important parameters is the beam energy, which is not directly measurable at such power. Any attempt to measure it with the currently existing energy meters results in its destruction. Building a special device, similar to currently existing ones, that can measure the energy by capturing the entire beam without getting damaged is both complex and expensive. The aim here is to develop a different type of energy meter based on partial absorption of the beam, using an absorptive filter/attenuator and to estimate the absorbed energy by measuring the temperature of the filter. Based on this, the total beam energy can be calculated, together with the shot-to-shot energy stability. The experimental setup includes a small-scale version of this energy meter. The thermal behavior of various materials was investigated considering the absorptive, transmissive, and reflective properties at different laser pulse energies. The specific thermodynamic parameters were extracted using ordinary differential equation model. Those parameters can be used towards the development of an energy meter for laser pulses with meter-sized aperture.


[1] F. Lureau et al., “High-energy hybrid femtosecond laser system demonstrating 2× 10 PW capability,” High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 8, e43, 2020

[2] C. Radier et al., “10 PW peak power femtosecond laser pulses at ELI-NP,” High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 10, e21, 2022

This research was funded by the Institute of Atomic Physics, Romania, grant ELI-RO 16/2020 SBUF.