Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2023 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: The influence of the resonance matter on the apparition of the mixed phase
in nuclear matter formed in nucleus-nucleus collisions at FAIR-GSI energies
Authors: Murat ABLAI1, Dănuț ARGINTARU2, Marius CĂLIN1, Tiberiu EȘANU3, Alexandru JIPA1a,
Ionel LAZANU1, Oana RISTEA1, Cătălin RISTEA4, Nicolae George ȚUȚURAȘ1
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
2) University of Civil Marine Constanta
3) „Horia Hulubei” National Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering Bucharest-Măgurele
4) Institute of Space Sciences Bucharest-Măgurele
E-mail a jipa@brahms.fizica.unibuc.ro
Keywords: relativistic nuclear collisions, phase of nuclear matter, resonance matter
Abstract: The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) from GSI Darmstadt (Germany) will offer, since 2027, beams of high intensity and very high repetition rate. The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) Experiment was built to perform measurements at these very high repetition rates. Therefore, interesting laboratory results on the specific phases of the nuclear matter in different temperature and baryonic density conditions could be obtained, including possible phase transitions. Fundamental results on the connections with the Universe formation and evolution could be obtained, too (see, P.Senger – Particles 4(2)(2021)214-226).
One of the possible phase of the very dense matter formed in nuclear collisions with high mass numbers is the so-called mixed phase, in agreement with the Gorenstein and Gadzinski hypothesis. As the other possible phases, the specific experimental signals of this nuclear matter phase could be „shadowed” by the formation of the resonance matter, in agreement with V. Metag hypothesis. Therefore, in this work we analyse the conditions for resonance matter formation in nucleus-nucleus collisions at FAIR-GSI. The disscusions consider energy beam, collision geometry, as well as other aspects. Comparisons with experimental results obtained by HADES Collaboration, at SIS 18, and SKM 200 Collaboration, at Synchrophasotron will be done.
Acknowledgement: This work was performed in the frame of the grant nr. FAIR_08/17.11.2020 „Strangeness, nuclear matter flow and possible connections with cosmological scenarios at CBM”/STRAFLOW@CBM. Many thanks for this opportunity.