2025-03-07 5:05


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2023 Meeting

Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics

Some predictions on behaviour of the nuclear matter in nuclear collisions at FAIR-GSI energies

Murat ABLAI, Dan ARGINTARU, Florin BEREVOIANU, Marius CALIN, Tiberiu ESANU, Ioana KUNCSER, Alexandru JIPA*, Ionel LAZANU, Luca MINZINA, Andrei NECSOIU, Claudia OLARU, Cristian OMAT, Oana RISTEA, Cătălin RISTEA, Liviu STOICA, Nicolae George ȚUȚURAS

Department of Structure of Matter, Earth and Atmosphere Physics, Astrophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA


FAIR, CBM, nucleus-nucleus collisions, predictions on interesting physical quantities

Using YaPT (Yet another Physics Tool) computing system [1], we simulated data, using versions of UrQMD and AMPT codes [2,3], for a few nucleus-nucleus collisions at available energies at FAIR. These data were analyzed both for global description of the collision dynamics, as well as for possible phase transitions in hot and very dense nuclear matter formed in the overlapping region of the two colliding nuclei. We investigated, too, some aspects of the hydrodynamic behaviour of the nuclear matter and the possibility to investigate some phase transitions using Reynolds number [4]. The interesting results for the nucleus-nucleus collisions considered in this work indicate, once again, the importance of the correct selection of the collision centrality for collision dynamics. In the investigation of the asymmetric collisions between 4He and 40Ca at 2 A GeV, using the model based on the collision geometry [5], we used the estimated date to evaluate the proton participant number, the nucleon participant number, and the size of the participant region. As in the case of other asymmetric collisions at a few A GeV, the size of the participant region is in proximity to the incident nucleus size [5-7].


[1]. S.Cioranu, Al.Jipa, M.Potlog – Rom.Rep.Phys. 67(3)(2015)819-830

[2]. S.A.Bass et al - Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys.41 (1998) 225

[3]. Z.W.Lin, C.M.Ko, B. An Li, B.Zhang, S. Pal - Phys.Rev.C72(2005)064901

[4]. St. Floerchinger, U.A. Wiedemenn – JHEP 11(2011)100, Al.Jipa – Plenary lecture at the Annual Scientific Session of the Faculty of Physics, 2020, Al. Jipa – International Conference of Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Second edition, Rome, Italy, July 25th, 2019

[5]. C.Beșliu, Al.Jipa – Rev.Roum.Phys.33(4-6)(1988)409-412, Rom.J.Phys.37(10(1991)1011-1024, Al.Jipa – J.Phys.G: Nucl.Part.Phys. 22(1996)231, Al.Jipa et al – J.Phys.G: Nucl.Part.Phys.22 (1996)221

[6]. Al.Jipa et al – Indian Journal of Physics 85(1)(2011)167-175, Al.Jipa et al – Journal of Physics Conference Series 385(1)(2012)012042

[7]. N.G. Țuțuraș et al – Rom.Rep.Phys. 71(2019)303

This work was performed in the frame of the grant nr. FAIR_08/17.11.2020 „Strangeness, nuclear matter flow and possible connections with cosmological scenarios at CBM”/STRAFLOW@CBM. Many thanks for this opportunity.