Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2023 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Investigation of polypyrrole/nano-TiO2 and poypyrrole/nano-WO3 nanocomposites as anode modifier in salt bridge based Microbial Fuel Cell using municipal wastewater
Authors: Stefan Toader, Aurelia Dinu, Ioana Iurescu and Anca Dumitru
Affiliation: Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Bucharest-Magurele, 077125, Romania
E-mail anka.dumitru@unibuc.ro
Keywords: bioenergy; microbial fuel cell; anode modification; nanocomposite
Abstract: Over the past decade, various materials have been investigated as modifier for microbial fuel cells (MFC) anodes, which is an important aspect for practical implementation of (MFC) in wastewater treatment. Compared with other modification strategies, the modification of MFC anode with nanocomposite materials provides considerable encouragements for developing of high-performance anode, required for practical implementation of MFC in a wastewater treatment system [1, 2]. Among them, nanocomposite of conducting polymers with carbon nanostructures or metal-oxide nanoparticles has been proved to be an effective strategy to enhance the performance of microbial fuel cell anodes, overcoming the limitations of conducting polymers such as relatively low electronic conductivity, poor electron transfer properties and poor stability in long term tests [2-4].
In this aim, the nanocomposite of polypyrrole with nano -WO3 and nano-TiO2 as anode modifier were used to investigate the performance of low cost, salt bridge based microbial fuel cells. FT-IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used for the characterization of nanocomposite materials. The power output of low cost, salt bridge based MFCs with modified anodes were compared in order to study the performance of MFC in terms of energy production.
1. S. Sharma, P. Sudhakara, A.A.B. Omran, J. Singh, R.A. Ilyas, Recent Trends and Developments in Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites for Multifunctional Applications. Polymers 2021, 13, 2898. https://doi.org/10.3390/ polym13172898
2. A. Dumitru, and K. Scott, Anode Materials for Microbial Fuel Cells. In Microbial Electrochemical and Fuel Cells; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016; pp. 117–152. ISBN 9781782423751.
3. A. Dumitru, S.Vulpe, A. Radu and S. Antohe, Influence of nitrogen environment on the performance of conducting polymers/CNTs nanocomposites modified anodes for microbial fuel cells (MFCs), Rom. J. Phys., 63, 605, 2018.
4. H. Liang, J. Han, X. Yang, Z. Qiao, and T. Yin, Performance improvement of microbial fuel cells through assembling anodes modified with nanoscale materials, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, 2022 (12), https://doi.org/10.1177/18479804221132965
Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CCCDI – UEFISCDI, PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-0956.