Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2023 Meeting
Section: Physics Education
Title: The study of elastic hysteresis using Einstein tablet
Authors: Adriana RADU(1,2), Daniela STOICA(3), Mihai V. POPESCU(3), Cătălin BERLIC(1), Cristina MIRON(1), Valentin BARNA(1)
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 405 Atomistilor Street, 077125, Magurele, Romania
2) National College “Mihai-Viteazul”, 8 Independentei Avenue, Ploiesti, Romania
3) National College “Ion Luca Caragiale”, 98 Gheorghe Doja Street, Ploiesti, Romania
E-mail prof_dana_stoica@yahoo.com
Keywords: elastic hysteresis, ImageJ software, Einstein Tablet, physics education
Abstract: The elastic properties of suitable materials are employed to dampen vibrations on the components of devices, installations, etc. Materials presenting large elastic hysteresis are used as absorbing materials of the vibration energies in various mechanical parts. For this reason, the study of the hysteresis properties is important for students in the process of learning physics. This paper describes the way the deformation of a rubber band can be studied by using the distance and force sensors attached to an Einstein tablet. By means of the MILAB software we obtain the dependence graph for the deformation of a rubber band versus the deforming force. We observed that the return of the band to its initial shape was not carried out in the same way as during the initial elongation, contrary to what happens in the case of a spring deformed within the limit of elasticity, the process presenting hysteresis. The area between the two plotted curves represents the energy dissipated in the elastic material and is determined via ImageJ processing software. It can be concluded that the deformation of the rubber band does not respect Hooke's law and the system loses energy in the process. The method proposed for the study of elastic hysteresis by employing the Einstein tablet and Image J provides very good results, comparable to other methods and can be considered interesting and attractive for students studying the elastic properties of various materials.