Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2023 Meeting
Section: Biophysics; Medical Physics
Title: Mathematical simulation of the functioning of a pulsatory liposome in a closed environment
Authors: Dumitru POPESCU(1), Dumitru Petru IGA(2), Alin Gabriel POPESCU(3), Valentin I. R. NICULESCU(4)
Affiliation: 1)Department of Mathematical Modeling in Life Sciences, “Gh. Mihoc-Caius Iacob” Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of Romanian Academy, 13, 13 Septembrie street, 050911, Bucharest, Romania.
2)University of Bucharest, Bulevardul Regina Elisabeta Nr. 4-12, București 030018, Romania
3) Department of Computer Sciences, IT CORE SRL, 10, Garoafei Street, 051235, Bucharest, Romania
4) National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Atomistilor street, 409, Magurele, Ilfov, Romania
E-mail dghpopescu@gmai.com
Keywords: Osmotic gradient, stretched vesicle, pulsatory vesicle, drug releasing biocontroller
Abstract: In this paper we consider a liposome filled with an osmotic solution included in a water enclosure. Due to the process of osmosis, the liposome swells until it reaches a critical size, when a pore appears in its membrane. The appearance of the pore causes a change in the evolution of the liposome. The contents of vesicles are partially removed through the pore and induce a decrease in the volume of the vesicle to the initial size. A new cycle can start. Liposome evolves as a two-stroke cycle engine. After each cycle, the concentration of osmotic solvit inside the liposome decreases. After performing a number of cycles, the liposome activity will stop. The swelling of the liposome is described by a differential equation. All the processes which contribute to the vesicle relaxing and its come back to the initial size are described by three differential equations.The activity of a pulsatory liposome can be characterized by the following parameters: a) number of cycles, the length time of each cycle and liposome activity life; b) the length time of the swelling stage and of the relaxation stage for each cycle; c) the quantitie of solute leaked out through the pore in each cycle.