Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting
Section: Physics and Technology of Alternative Renewable Energy Supplies
Title: Investigating Fractal Graphene Structures as Supercapacitor Building Elements I
Authors: Thanasis Tiliakos, Ioan Stamatin
Affiliation: 1Univeristy of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 3Nano-SAE Research Center, 405 Atomistilor str., Bucharest-Magurele, 077125,Romania.
E-mail thanasis_tiliakos@hotmail.com
Keywords: graphene, supercapacitor, fractal, macroscale prototype.
Abstract: Recent papers have examined the use of graphene-based porous sponges as electrodes in microbial fuel cells and as capacitor plates in supercapacitors. The central concept behind such structures lies in their fractal properties: the dramatic increase of active surface area over a finite volume. Investigating further on the application of fractal surfaces, we seek to employ novel methods for developing graphene surfaces with fractal properties. By imprinting well-defined Koch curves on vapor-deposited graphene surfaces, we capitalize on symmetry induced by self-similarity to employ a folding technique that collapses all points of the fractal onto each other. The end result is a graphene surface that retains the basic fractal properties of scaling: its topological dimension approaches the value of the Hausdorff dimension depending on the number of foldings (thus iterations of the fractal algorithm). The technique aims towards the development of capacitor concentric plates offering a greatly increased surface area over a finite volume, as the enclosed total length of a (1D) Koch curve increases with the number of iterations of the fractal algorithm. Before experimenting with this approach on the nanoscale, macroscale prototypes need to be constructed, in order to investigate the folding limits of graphene, the resulting electric field between the pseudo-fractal plates and the effects of orientation of the plates on said electric field.