Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2010 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Z-R relationships for the Medgidia WSR-98D weather radar
Authors: (1,2)S. Burcea
Affiliation: (1)Romanian National Meteorological Administration, Bucharest, Romania;
(2)University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, P.O.BOX.MG-11, bucharest, Romania
E-mail sorin.burcea@gmail.com
Keywords: radar meteorology, raindrop size distribution, Particle Size and Velocity (PARSIVEL) optical disdrometer, Z-R relationship, reflectivity, rainfall rate
Abstract: In the south eastern Romania the weather phenomena are detected and monitored using the weather radar located at Medgidia. In order to study and to improve the precision of radar rainfall estimates, the OTT Parsivel (Partcicle Size and Velocity) installed at Mangalia was used for observation of rain drop spectra. Dataset used here is composed from measurements taken during the period April-September 2009, with a total of 3689 raindrop size distributions (RSD). Further, the RSD’s were analysed to obtain appropriate relationships of radar reflectivity, Z, and surface rainfall, R. As a final result an average Z-R (reflectivity-rainfall rate) relationship was obtained. The disdrometer data are grouped into 1-minute samples, but the same dataset may provide different values of a and b factors when the regression is manipulated in different ways. Thus, in this study is further quantified the effect that several common regression processing options and DSD data refinements and filtering have on the Z-R relations.