Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2006 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Meteorological conditions associated with bow echoes development in Romania on the 29-th of March 2006
Authors: Carolina Oprea, Aurora Stan-Sion
Affiliation: National Meteorological Administration, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Doppler radars,squall lines,
Abstract: Bow echoes represent one of the unique radar echoes forms associated with severe convective organization, often being responsible for the production of long swaths of damaging surface winds and small tornadoes. If such structures organize in lines, they often produce squall lines that produce generalized stright line strong winds, named „derecho”. Such a structure moved across parts of Rumania on the 29-th of March 2006 producing strong wind damage, many injuries and one fatality. The circulation and a strong rear inflow jet helped to cause wind damage in this region.This study focuses on the radar evolution, observed with S-band and C-band Doppler radars, and the meteorological mesoscale conditions observed with bow echoes development, describing mainly the specificity of the bow echo pattern and associated structures, like the rear inflow notch, bookend vortices, mid altitude convergence zone, as they could be identify on the reflectivity and radial velocity radar fields.