Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2007 Meeting
Section: Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Title: The determination of dose distribution in depth by using calorimetric measurements
Authors: Dorina Toader1, Constantin Oproiu1, Silvia Marghitu2
Affiliation: 1. Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei si Radiatiei
2. ICPE Electrostatica
E-mail toaderdorina@yahoo.com
Keywords: electron irradiation, calorimetry, dose distribution
Abstract: The paper points out the results obtained in measurements of the absorbed energy in a material irradiated with an electron beam of 2,35 MeV energy. Samples of constant thickness and reduced aria made of polyethylene, insulated one from another are placed one after the other on the direction of the electron beam. Measuring successively the temperature of every material sample with a calibrated thermocouple, we can determine the evolution in time of their temperature and we can trace the calorimetrical characteristic curve. Based on the temperature variation of every sample we can also determine the depth distribution of the electron energy and point out the power of the electron beam for low and medium energy, that is 5 to 10 MeV.
The calorimetrical system that we studied is supposed to have an efficient thermal insulation made of a material of reduced density in order not to stop the primary energy of the electrons. The irradiation and measurements took place in the Accelerator Laboratory at a liniar accelerator of low energy.