Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2005 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: A case of heavy precipitation generated by short wave lenght troughs
Authors: Florinela Popa, Doina Banciu, Viorica Dima
Affiliation: National Meteorological Administration, Bucharest
E-mail florinela.popa@meteo.inmh.ro
Keywords: tropospheric oscillations, water vapor images, potential vorticity
Abstract: Tropospheric oscillations with short wave lenght induce fast changes in weather appearence and are often associated to weather phenomena having spectacular evolutions.
Between 13th and 27th of April, four such oscillations of the Icelandic Low trough (very extended to the South and having a strong activity particularly in the upper half of the troposphere) crossed Romania, associated to Mediterranean cyclone activity.
This paper analyzes the event from 17th to 19th of April, during which in the Banat area heavy rains have fallen inducing flows, in a relatively short time.
Beside the classical staff usualy used in forecast and diagnosis, the water vapor satellite imagery and the potential vorticity maps from the the ALADIN limited area numerical model are studied, in order to perform a modern interpretation of a severe weather event.
A special attention is paid to the evolution in the upper half of the troposphere, in the tropopause level and the low stratosphere.