Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2005 Meeting
Section: Electricity and Biophysics
Title: A Random Walk Monte Carlo Approach to Simulate Multiple Light Scattering on Biological Suspensions
Authors: Dan Chicea-1, Ioan Turcu-2
Affiliation: 1-Faculty of Sciences, University Lucian Blaga, Dr. Ion Ratiu Str. nr. 7-9, Sibiu, 550012, Romania
2-Molecular & Biomolecular Physics Lab., National Institute for Research & Development of Isotopic & Molecular Technologies, P.O.Box 700, 400293, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
E-mail dan.chicea@ulbsibiu.ro
Keywords: Monte Carlo, RBC, Biological Suspensions
Abstract: In biological suspensions like blood, natural or at different dilutions, light scattering is done by the scattering centers only. The Monte Carlo approach we propose, moves one photon at a time and checks the scattering centers to determine which one will scatter the photon (quasi - ballistic approximation). Light scattering anisotropy was described using the Henyey-Greenstein phase function with the g parameter in the range: 0.97 – 0.98. Multiple scattering was considered in this approach together with the internal reflection on the cuvette walls.
In order to verify the results of this simulation the deflection angle distribution after simulation is compared with effective phase function calculations and with the experimental results on diluted erythrocyte (RBC) suspensions at different haematocrit values and scattering angles. The results obtained so far show a good agreement with the experimental data in the small concentration range. Work is in progress to investigate different values for the cross section, to reduce the computation time and to find good agreement in the big concentration range.
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