Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2009 Meeting
Section: Educational Physics
Title: Modern Teaching Methods Used in Teaching Courses Optional
Authors: Elena Pufu, Monica Gabriela Gruia
Affiliation: School with classes I - VIII Liviu Rebreanu, Mioveni-Argeş, Romania
E-mail pufuelena@yahoo.com
Keywords: modern methods, scientific research, formation of attitudes and education
Abstract: The current problems of education are particularly complex because the progress human knowledge and interaction between science, technology, education, culture and society. For the modern methods of teaching represent ways of action, tools through which students, under the guidance of the teacher or independently in their own knowledge, its forms and develop their skills and intellectual skills and practical skills and attitudes. Learning method tends to place the student in a learning situation, more or less directed, to be closer to the identification with scientific research, tracking and discovery of truth and of binding with the practical aspects of life. Education for change is included in the "new paradigm of education and learning, as defined in the last two decades as the innovative, proactive and participative." It is based on stimulating anticipatory imagination, capacity for choice and initiative, responsibility. In fact, to be educated for change means learning to grow, to become in a world that itself becomes accelerated. The structures of pre-university education will be seen from the perspective of permanent education for most shocks and losses occur at the transition from preschool education at primary and secondary schools and at school. However, the existence of competition for admission everywhere and always have undesirable effects on learning, with a focus on the harm of several disciplines - the exam, focus on reducing the formation of attitudes and education, often producing a distortion of human talents in the fields to fields which appear to be more profitable.