Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2008 Meeting
Section: Atomic and Molecular Physics; Astrophysics
Title: Study of He beam scattering by graphene based on molecular dynamics
Authors: Gergely Kosa, Mircea Bercu, Voicu Grecu
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 405 Atomistilor Street, Magurele, Romania
E-mail gergely.kosa@ivao.aero
Keywords: graphene, helium, scattering, molecular dynamics
Abstract: Graphene supports a wide range of applications in nanotechnology and fundamental science as a results of its amazing properties to be considered from building carbon nanotube up to relativistic electrons.
This contribution focuses the detailed scattering features of low energy He beam by graphene to understand the potential capability of using neutral particle beams on manipulating the carbon basal planes by controlling the intercalated atoms population.
The results reveal the evolution of the statistic angular scattering of the incident He beam in accordance with the collision parameters as particle energy, polar and azimuth angle of incidence.
Finite and periodic models were built for carbon basal plane. The margin of the finite model determines a non-specific scattering features especially in the case of large incident angles of the He beam. Isotropic and anisotropic He-C pair potential were used in accordance with published data.
The angular scattering distributions were calculated for incident particles energies in the range of 10meV - 1eV.