2025-03-07 4:20


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2003 Meeting

Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection

Seismic Source Properties: Indications of Lithosphere Irregular Structure on Depth Beneath Vrancea Region

E. Popescu1, B. Grecu1, M. Popa1, M. Rizescu1, M. Radulian1

1) National Institute for Earth Physics, P.O. Box MG-2, 76900, Bucharest, ROMANIA



The previous research focused on seismic regime properties in the Vrancea region (seismicity, tomography, seismic source scaling) revealed significant variation along the subducting slab. It has been assumed that this irregularity should be in connection with multiple parameter and multi-scale fields, and should reflect differences in the physical, geochemical and tectonic processes at different scale lengths. The recent development of the seismic network on the Romanian territory through the installation of digital accelerometers within the Collaborative Research Centre 461 programme (Bonjer et al., 2000) and the tomography experiment CALIXTO¡¯99 (Wenzel et al., 1999) has provided a substantial new amount of high-quality data in addition to the routine data coming from the Romanian seismic network (18 short-period, one-component instruments), dedicated firstly to seismicity monitoring. The main purpose of the present study is to incorporate this new data in the analysis of the depth dependence of the seismic source scaling in the Vrancea subducting slab. Spectral analysis and spectral ratios methods are applied for a set of 100 earthquakes with magnitudes 2.9 ¡Ü Mw ¡Ü 5.3, occurred between 1996 and 2001. The two methods are employed independently, the first to individual events, the second to pairs of collocated events and similar focal mechanism, in order to inspect the scaling properties over the seismic active depth domain (60-220 km). The results are discussed in connection with previous studies based on fractal statistics analysis. The clustering properties of time, space and size distributions as well as the scaling variations in the subducting lithosphere are ascribed to differences in specific source mechanisms or/and structural inhomogeneity properties with hierarchical distribution.