Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2003 Meeting
Section: Atomic and Molecular Physics; Astrophysics
Title: The study of electrolysis in microgravity conditions. Applications in microtechnology-a novell radiation sensor and a nanoswitch
Authors: Skywalkers: Florin Mingireanu, Mugurel Balan, Lorand Istvan,
Marius Trusculescu
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, P.O.Box.MG-11
Abstract: This paper has as principal objectives:
1. The study of Faraday law for electrolysis under microgravity conditions
The dependence with time of the mass deposited on electrodes is not expected to be linear as Faraday found in gravitational conditions. It is expected a decreasing of the mass deposited in the time unit on electrodes. This happens because the gas deposited on anod does not float since there are no Arhimede forces in microgravity and thus the anod will become polarized. In other words the anod will be covered with a layer of gas which will diminish the current through solution.
2. Temperature influence on electrolizes depositions under microgravity conditions
The temperature influences the dynamics of processes. Each ion has a specific thermal agitation (Brownian movement) depending on the value of temperature. It is expected an increasing of the mass ratio deposited in the unit time on electrodes with the increasing of temperature.
3. Intensity as a function of time and intensity as a function of electric potentials of the electrodes:
During each parabola only two cuves will be used (the experimental setup consists of 41 coves arranged in a 7x7 matrix-like assembly+1 additional cuve for pressure analysis). Both coves will be kept at a constant temperature. From one cuve one obtains the dependence of the intensity of the electric current with time (electric tension on electrodes is maintained constant). From the other cuve one obtains the dependence of the intensity of the electric current with the potential applied on electrodes . For another parabola another two cuves will be used and the temperature will be increased with 1.5 Celsius degrees. During all the parabolas the additional cuve will be used continusously to obtain the experimental data about pressure variation of the oxygen released in electrolysis process.
4. the study of moving pattern for electrolysis products (solids and gaseous)
A numerical model will be proposed for the moving pattern of electrolysis products. This model will take into account the results obtained in experiments under different temperature conditions.