Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2010 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Searches of “dark matter” in underground facilities
Authors: Denis Stanca(1), Ana-Maria Apostu(2), Iliana Brancus(2), Daniela Chesneanu(1,2), O. Duliu(1), Al. Jipa(1), I.Lazanu(1), R. Margineanu(2), B. Mitrica(2), C. Paduraru(1), Alexandra Saftoiu(1,2), O. Sima(1)
Affiliation: (1)Atomic and Nuclear Physics Chair, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
(2)National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering “Horia Hulubei” Bucharest-Magurele, ROMANIA
E-mail denis.stanca@gmail.com
Keywords: dark matter, experiment, underground facilities
Abstract: One of the most important question in the cosmology is the understanding of the structure and composition of the Universe. There are some evidences that indicate the presence of matter unseen by common detectors. Until now, there were proposed some theoretical models for this Dark Matter. Some experiments are running in the present, verifying those theories, and an increasing number of new experiments and detectors have been proposed and developed. In this paper, we start with a summary of evidences that suggested the presence of dark matter in the Universe, from cosmological and astrophysical measurements. A comparison between results will done a better understanding of the physics and the requirements for the next generation detectors. The analysis of different parameters of the existent underground facilities represents a useful tool for location of the new detectors.