Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2004 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Hubble Evolution of Fireball after Gluonic Condensate State
Authors: Sorin ZGURA(1), Calin Besliu(2), Alexandru Jipa(2)
Affiliation: 1. Institute of Space Sciences, Bucharest
2. University of Bucharest, Faculty of Phisics, Bucharest
E-mail zis@venus.nipne.ro
Keywords: RHIC, Au+Au collisions
Abstract: The final state of Au + Au collisions at sqrt(s) = 130 AGeV and 200 AgeV at RHIC has been reconstructed within the framework of the Buda-Lund hydro model, by performing a simultaneous fit to preliminary BRAHMS, PHENIX, PHOBOS and STAR data on two-particle Bose-Einstein correlations and identified single particle spectra, and the Hubble constant is determined to be
From this reconstructed final state and the knowledge of the equation of state of hot and dense hadronic matter (e.g. from lattice QCD calculations) one can, in principle, reconstruct the initial state of the reaction by running the (relativistic) hydrodynamical equations backwards in time, and determine if this initial state had been in the QGP phase or not. Here we report on such a reconstruction within the framework of the Buda-Lund hydro model. This model fits are compared to RHIC`s experiment data on identified particle spectra, two-particle Bose-Einstein or HBT correlations.