Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2010 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Volcanic ash plume over Bucharest detected with Integrated Nephelometer
Authors: Laura Mihai (1,2) and Sabina Stefan (1)
Affiliation: (1)University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Dept. of Atmospheric Physics
(2)National Institute for Laser Plasma and Radiation Physics, Dept. LMSL
E-mail laura.mihai@inflpr.ro,
Keywords: atmospheric aerosols, volcanic ash, optical properties, nephelometer
Abstract: During April 2010, all Europe was affected by Icelandic volcanic eruption. Typically, volcanic aerosols are very fine particles (sulphate and halogen aerosols) that can affect in a higher proportion the human health due to its acidity. Also, there are different metals contained by volcanic plume, such as: aluminum, mercury, arsenic, iridium, potassium, zinc etc., which combined with other types of aerosols and acid gases, can affect also the health. Another important property of volcanic ash is that it can cause short-term climate changes and can contribute to natural climate variability. So it is very important to analyze their effects in order to better understand the physical and microphysical mechanisms generated by volcanic plume radiative forcing. Our task was to determine the optical properties of atmospheric aerosols: total, backscattering coefficients and Angstrom parameter for three different wavelengths (450 nm, 550 nm, 700 nm) using an Integrated Nephelometer. Measurements were done for period: 17 – 30 April 2010, at Department of Atmospheric Physics, from University of Bucharest. Our results showed different moments of volcanic ash deposition at soil level.