Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2009 Meeting
Section: Educational Physics
Title: Interactive Learning
Authors: Irina Elena Nicolae
Affiliation: National College Sf. Sava, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail irinanicolae2001@yahoo.com
Keywords: empirical knowledge, teaching, discovery
Abstract: An active and interactive teaching, centered on the student or group of students, promotes the discovery of new by knowledgeable subjects (those who learn) and establishing relationships between them. It no longer considered the student simply a passive receiver of information processed by reading teacher, by ways of thinking described and presented by others, but turns him into a human passive, obedient, docile, industrious and depending on teacher, in an active topic of activities guided by their own emotional needs, feelings and interests, allowing students to overcome, through his own efforts, stage of empirical knowledge, partial, incomplete, limited and to form his own personality. Interactive learning is associated with a higher type of learning, which is realized by intense effort of those who learn and form and contributing through its own strengths to achieve objectives, type named inter(active) learning. Interactive learning is an active process, volitional, mediated internal, in which that one who learn discover, interferes, builds and reworded meanings, recovered materials to learn, analyzing situations and experiences and passing them through the filters of own personalities. Interactive learning is based on an educational asymmetrical relationship, where the student has the role of "regulator pedagogical", and the teacher role of an organizer and guide of learning process held by student. Main purpose of interactive learning that must be to help students to discover the pleasure of learning, which may lead to increased confidence in their forces, in their ability to know, to discovery new areas of knowledge.