Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2012 Meeting
Section: Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Title: The influence of deposition parameters on the physical properties of ZnO thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering
Authors: Sabina SIMON, B. GUSTER, Sorina IFTIMIE, Cristina BESLEAGA, L. ION, S. ANTOHE
Affiliation: Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, 405 Atomstilor, Magurele-Ilfov, 077125, Romania
E-mail sorina.iftimie@fizica.unibuc.ro
Keywords: ZnO, thin films , RF- magnetron sputtering
Abstract: ZnO thin films were deposited by Radio Frequency (RF)-magnetron sputtering onto glass substrates. For all depositions, a mild-pressed zinc oxide powder target was used. The sputtering parameters were varied in order to study the effects upon the sample’s physical properties. The depositions were carried out in inert argon atmosphere for different sputtering pressures (3.0 mbar, 3.4 mbar, 4.0 mbar, 4.6 mbar). During all deposition processes, the power and the source-sample distance were kept constant at P=60 W and d=10 cm, respectively. The films were characterized from morphological (SEM), structural (XRD), optical (by absorption and transmittance spectrometry) and electrical (electrical resistivity dependence on temperature) point of view in order to determine the influence of sputtering pressure on the properties of zinc oxide thin films.