Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting
Section: Physics Education
Title: Computer aided assessment in the study of physics
Authors: Gabriela TUDOR
Affiliation: National College “ Calistrat Hogas” , Tecuci, Romania
E-mail gabriela_tudor64@yahoo.com
Keywords: computer aided assessment, eLearning, multimedia systems, feedback, test batteries
Abstract: Multimedia systems offer a solution to modern physics lessons progress. Advances in recent years have brought many advantages for the physics teachers: database, tridimensional graphic elements, and electronic books for online training, design and implementation of virtual representations of phenomena, digital signal processing software and experimental data. Physics is a discipline that can easily quantify student performance to solve theoretical and practical problems. Evaluation is an essential component of the teaching- learning process. Teachers can develop tests on objectives and the tests can be calibrated using performance descriptors recommended. Rapid administration of test batteries using computer network allows obtaining a feedback of identifiable individual needs of students. The eLearning sequences are preparing going through a series of stages: structuring teaching materials in units, design and implementation of multimedia products used in the session, editing course support, network installation. The teacher is coordinating sessions managed by the computer and through individual student workloads. There are many attempts to design and carry out the assessment teams of students, even school competitions and examinations administered by computer. Testing using a computer is to diversify the additional evaluation instruments used, with a number of advantages: the computer is a discrete evaluator, provides feedback to direct information resources that address learning and ensure a level crossing superior performance.