Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting
Section: Polymer Physics
Title: Spirographene theoretical and experimental investigation
Authors: A. Zubarev, A. Duca , A. Banica, I. Stamatin
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 3Nano-SAE Research Center, 405 Atomistilor str., Bucharest-Magurele, 077125.
E-mail alxzubarev@gmail.com;istarom@3nanosae.org
Keywords: nano-carbon, spirographene, new materials
Abstract: In XXI century necessary of new materials for electronics intensify investigations in that domain. The most perspective substance for future electronics is carbon. Carbon has a lot of nano-forms, which has different properties from metallic to isolator and large range of applications. The most famous form of nanocarbon is graphene, a 2D sheet of carbon atoms. Another possibility of 2D carbon structure is spirographene, spiro-conjugated form of nano-carbon. a 3D spiro-conjugated form of carbon was described in 1994 by Bunkum and Hoffman. There was described electronic properties and topological structure of that material. In our presentation we make theoretical investigation of spirographene, propose method of experimental synthesis and present first results of experiments. In first part of presentation we investigate electronic properties of spirographene and determinate from simulations IR and Raman spectra of exotic material. In the second part of presentation we propose experimental synthesis method and present experimental results. Obtained results helped to performance experimental method and permit to start new stage in spirographene synthesis. Discovering of this material will help development of new types of solar cells, sensors and fast electronically devices.