Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2007 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Classical plasma and quark-gluon plasma
Authors: Alexandru Jipa*, Vania Covlea*, Călin Besliu*, Oana Ristea*, Marius Calin*, Tiberiu Esanu*, Cristian Bordeianu, Valentin Grossu*, Valentin Cornel Pavel*, Adrian Scurtu*, Cornel Badea*, Alexandru Stanciu*, Adam Jinaru*, Bogdan Diaconescu*, Alin Popescu*, Dan Argintaru**, Ion Sorin Zgura***, Catalin Ristea***, Ionut Arsene***, Daniel Felea***, Emil Stan***, Ciprian Mitu***, Mihai Potlog***, Madalin Cherciu***, Adrian Sevcenco***
Affiliation: *University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
**Civilian Marine University, Sciences Chair
***Institute of Space Sciences Buchraest-Magurele
E-mail jipa@brahms.fizica.unibuc.ro
Keywords: classical plasma, quark-gluon plasma, collider, experimental signals
Abstract: In the nucleus-nucleus collisions at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) energies a new form of the high excited and dense nuclear nmatter has been observed [1]. One the suggestion for this new state was the quark-gluon plasma in liquid phase. In the efforts to establish experimental signals of this state of the nuclear matter many ways were proposed. The group continues the previous attempts to find analogies between "classical" plasma and quark-gluon plasma [2-4]. In the present work new results on the type of the quark-plasma are reported. A few new signals are proposed. Good agreement with other ways are obtained.
[1]. ***** - Nucl.Phys.A757(2005)1-274
[2]. Al.Jipa et al - SACS FFUB 2004
[3]. Al.Jipa et al - SACS FFUB 2005
[4]. Al.Jipa et al - National Physics Conference 2005