Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
- 10:30 - 10:50
Title: Some comments on the nuclear fragmentation in proton-nucleu collisions at 8 GeV and 12 GeV
Calin BESLIU*, Alexandru JIPA*, Vania COVLEA*, Oana RISTEA*, Marius CALIN*, Tiberiu ESANU*, Cristian BORDEIANU, Valentin GROSSU*, Valentin Cornel PAVEL*, Adrian SCURTU*, Cornel BADEA*, Alexandru STANCIU*, Adam JINARU*, Bogdan DIACONESCU*, Alin POPESCU*, Simona Badita*, Dan Argintaru**, Ion Sorin Zgura***, Catalin Ristea***, Ionut Arsene***, Daniel Felea***, Emil Stan***, Ciprian Mitu***, Mihai Potlog***, Madalin Cherciu***, Adrian Sevcenco***
- 10:50 - 11:10
Title: Correlation between detection and structural degradation of silicon detectors for astroparticle and particle physics applications
I. Lazanu, S. Lazanu
- 11:10 - 11:30
Title: Classical plasma and quark-gluon plasma
Alexandru Jipa*, Vania Covlea*, Călin Besliu*, Oana Ristea*, Marius Calin*, Tiberiu Esanu*, Cristian Bordeianu, Valentin Grossu*, Valentin Cornel Pavel*, Adrian Scurtu*, Cornel Badea*, Alexandru Stanciu*, Adam Jinaru*, Bogdan Diaconescu*, Alin Popescu*, Dan Argintaru**, Ion Sorin Zgura***, Catalin Ristea***, Ionut Arsene***, Daniel Felea***, Emil Stan***, Ciprian Mitu***, Mihai Potlog***, Madalin Cherciu***, Adrian Sevcenco***
- 11:30 - 11:45
Title: Dose calculation for accident situations
at triga research reactor using leu fuel type
Sorin Margeanu, Tatiana Angelescu
- 11:45 - 12:00
Title: A Dual-energy Computer Tomograph dedicated to work on-board of Mare Nigrum Research Vessel
M. Iovea, M. Neagu, O. Duliu, G. Oaie, G. mateiasi Mateiasi
- 12:00 - 12:15
Title: Multi-parametric prompt neutron and fission-fragment experimental data described by the "Point by Point" model
Anabella Tudora
- 12:15 - 12:30
Title: The asymmetry of muon lateral distribution in cosmic ray air showers
C. Manailescua, C. Morariua, H. Rebelb, O. Simaa
- 12:30 - 12:45
Title: Study of the electron lateral distribution function in cosmic ray air showers
C. Morariua, C. Manailescua, H. Rebelb, O. Simaa
- 12:45 - 13:00
Title: Some Experimental Results, MARUSYA Experiment
Danut Argintaru, MARUSYA Collaboration
- 13:00 - 13:15
Title: Dose calculation for accident situations
at triga research reactor using leu fuel type
S. Margeanu, C. A. Margeanu, C. Paunoiu, T. Angelescu
- 13:15 - 13:30
Title: Estimations of the collisions rate in the chaotic gun effect
Gheorghe Dumitrescu
- 14:15 - 14:30
Title: Radiation doses assessment in some operational scenarios
for radioactive waste disposal in a near surface repository,
by using monte carlo methodology
Cristina Alice Margeanu, Petre Ilie, Sorin Margeanu, Tatiana Angelescu *
- 14:30 - 14:45
Title: Angular correlations in the (n,p) reaction
A. I. Oprea, C. Oprea
- 14:45 - 15:00
Title: On the study of the experimental information in relative time scale of Hubble
Alexandru Jipa, Calin Besliu, Amelia Horbuniev
- 15:00 - 15:15
Title: Numerical simulation of nucleon systems using a classical billiard model
C. C. Bordeianu, D. Felea, C. Besliu, Al. Jipa, I. V. Grossu
- 15:15 - 15:30
Title: Nuclearite Detection with Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescopes
Gabriela Emilia Pavalas
- 15:30 - 15:45
Title: Jet physics algorithms
D. Felea, A. Sevcenco, C. Besliu, C. C. Bordeianu, A. G. Gheata, M. Gheata, I. V. Grossu, M. Haiduc, D. Hasegan, Al. Jipa, C. Mitu, A. A. Radu, M. Rujoiu
- 15:45 - 16:00
Title: Gamma-ray spectrum dependence on the thickness of the Ge dead layer
E. Robu, O. Sima
- 16:00 - 16:15
Title: PeTkCo - An Offline Analysis Program for Corsika Output
C. M. Rujoiu, D. Felea, A. A. Radu
- 16:15 - 16:30
Title: Study on Quark Many-Body Systems at Relativistic Energies
I. V. Grossu, C. Besliu, Al. Jipa, D. Felea, C. C. Bordeianu
- 16:30 - 16:45
Title: Some aspects of the puzzle of the degradation of semiconductor detectors for HEP
Ionel Lazanu, Sorina Lazanu