2025-03-07 4:09


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting

Section: Solid State Physics and Materials Science

Studying spin configurations at Fe/PZT interfaces via Conversion Electron Mossbauer Spectyroscopy

I.S. Ghita (1,3), M.Vopson (2), S.G. Sandu (1,3), A. Iuga (1), A. Leca (1), V. Kuncser(1)

(1) National Institute of Materials Physics, National Institute of Materials Physics, Atomistilor 105b, Magurele 077125, Romania

(2) The University of Portsmouth, School of Applied Physics, Burnaby Building, Portsmouth PO1 3QL, UK

(3) Physics Department, University of Bucharest, P.O. Box MG-11, 077125 Bucharest, Romania


ferromagnetic-ferroelectric interfaces, magnetic and electric hysteresis loops, interfacial spin configuration, CEMS

The interest in studying the possibility of control and manipulation of magnetic configurations in ferromagnetic layers interfacing a ferroelectric phase has been continuously increased in the recent years. In order to study such a behavior, hereostructures consisting of PZT monocrystal plackets (of about 200 µm thickness) with a Ni electrode on one side and an Fe tracer layer (from 10 to 30 nm thickness) completed by a Ni cap layer (of about 20 nm) on the other side, were prepared. The Fe and Ni films on the top side have been deposited by radio-frequency sputtering with the Fe tracer layer enriched in the 57Fe isotope (35% enrichment). Electric hysteris loops (polarization versus applied voltage) were measured by using a triangular voltage signal from a ferroelectric tester system, while the magnetic hysteresis loops have been obtained via a MOKE magnetometer. The configuration of the Fe spins at the Fe/PZT interface has been examined by means of conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy, providing also the interfacial phase composition. It is worth mentioning that the CEMS spectra were obtained during a continuous polarization of the electrodes, in specific points of the electric hysteresis loop, via an innovative modification of the CEMS set-up. Amorphous and crystalline Fe phases were evidenced at the interface, with the effect of spin reorientation better observed on the crystalline phase.