2024-11-21 20:42


Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting

Solid State Physics and Materials Science

  1. 11:00 - 11:15
    Title: A new approach for the correct evaluation of SARs in ferrofluids
    N. Iacob, G. Schinteie, D. Toader, A. Leca, V. Kuncser

  2. 11:15 - 11:30
    Title: Complex investigation of annealed Si(0 0 1)/Fe/Be/W multilayers
    S. G. Sandu, P. Palade, G. Schinteie, L. Trupina, G. A. Lungu, N. G. Gheorghe, C. M. Teodorescu, C. Porosnicu, I. Jepu, C. P. Lungu, G. Filoti, V. Kuncser

  3. 11:30 - 11:45
    Title: Bulk heterojunction photovoltaic cells on flexible support
    Oana Brincoveanu, A. Radu, Sorina Iftimie, S. Antohe

  4. 11:45 - 12:00
    Title: Spectral features of the Oligodynamic Effect of Silver
    Ana IOANID, Stefan ANTOHE

  5. 12:15 - 12:30
    Title: Effect of electron-optical phonon interaction on transport phenomena in uniaxial quantum wires
    Anda Stanciu, Lucian Ion

  6. 12:30 - 12:45
    Title: Equivalence between graphene gated structures and bilayer graphene
    A. Zubarev, D. Dragoman

  7. 12:30 - 12:45
    Title: Cubic and low symmetry centres in Eu3+/Sm3+ doped CeO2 nanoparticles: a micro-Raman and luminescence spectroscopic study
    Daniel Avram, Carmen Tiseanu

  8. 12:45 - 13:00
    Title: Polymeric nanocomposites materials for applications in tactile sensors
    Leila Zevri, Iulian Iordache, Zorica Bacinschi

  9. 13:00 - 13:15
    Title: Specific aspects of magnetic relaxation in nanoparticulate systems
    V. Kuncser

  10. 13:15 - 13:30
    Title: Studying spin configurations at Fe/PZT interfaces via Conversion Electron Mossbauer Spectyroscopy
    I. S. Ghita, M. Vopson, S. G. Sandu, A. Iuga, A. Leca, V. Kuncser

  11. 13:30 - 13:45
    Title: Automatic thermostat system for investigations of the temperature dependence of the properties of materials
    Laurentiu Sufaru, Adrian Rotaru, Ciceron Berbecaru

  12. 13:45 - 14:00
    Title: Synthesis and characterization of MWCNT composites with applications in aerospace industry
    C. Berbecaru, Adriana Stefan, I. Lucian, Elena Busuioc, Stefania Palade, Adrian Radu, Aida Pantazi, Munizer Purica, Daniela Dragoman

  13. 14:00 - 14:15
    Title: Investigation of Rochelles salt properties around high Curie temperature point
    Adrian Rotaru, Laurentiu Sufaru, Ciceron Berbecaru

  14. 14:15 - 14:30
    Title: Dielectric properties of carbon nanotubes-based composites
    Stefania Palade, Aida Ghiulnare Pantazi, C. Berbecaru, Daniela Dragoman

  15. 14:30 - 14:45
    Title: The interaction of two-level systems with phonons in an amended Soft Potential Model
    Irina Mihaela Dumitru, Dragos-Victor Anghel, George Alexandru Nemnes