Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Development of an integrated on-line system for the study of the hadronic interactions in High Energy Physics (I)
Authors: Silviu Cioranu, Alexandru Jipa, Mihai Potlog
Affiliation: “Nuclear Matter in Extreme Conditions” Research Center, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest
E-mail silviu.cioranu@gmail.com
Keywords: on-line integrated system, Monte Carlo simulations, High Energy Physics
Abstract: In the Research Center “Nuclear Matter in Extreme Conditions”, at the Computing Laboratory, we implemented an integrated system for on-line Monte Carlo (MC) simulations in High Energy Physics. Several theoretical models for relativistic heavy ion collisions, and its associated simulation codes, like UrQMD and AMPT, are implemented and can be accessed via an easy to use web interface. This system is structured in several modules for user authentication, interface with the simulation programs, Monte Carlo output analysis, communication among the users, etc.
The parameters needed by the Monte Carlo simulation codes can be set interactively by the user into an interface where documentation is available, too. The output results of the simulations can be analyzed using CERN`s scientific libraries, ROOT and a set of predefined macros. User customized analysis macros are foreseen, also. All simulations performed in the system are staged in a database and can be later accessed by all the users.
Due to its flexibility, the system we developed can be used both for research and teaching activities. We will present the structure of the web interface and discuss a few specific examples of physics results calculated using this system.
This work was conducted under the project "Doctoratul in Stiinte fundamentale - inceputul unei cariere de varf in cercetare ", financed by the European Union and the Government of Romania from the European Social Fund through "Programul Operational Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane" 2007-2013, grant agreement no. POSDRU/107/1.5/S/82514.