2024-11-21 20:18


Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting

Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics

  1. 11:00 - 11:30
    Title: Alexandru Mihul’s 85th birthday - a life in physics
    Ionel Lazanu

  2. 11:30 - 11:45
    Title: Preliminary comparison of the hadron production at very high energies in the transverse momenta space
    A. Danu, O. Ristea, C. Besliu, Al. Jipa, I. S. Zgura, C. Ristea, A. Sevenco, C. M. Mitu, T. Esanu

  3. 11:45 - 12:00
    Title: Radiative strength function low-energy enhancement within Enhanced Generalized Lorentzian model
    V. Avrigeanu, M. Avrigeanu

  4. 12:00 - 12:15
    Title: Analysis paint layer of the icon the Christ the Judge 18-19th century by physical
    Dorina-Claudia Samoilescu, Octavian G. Duliu

  5. 12:15 - 12:30
    Title: Monte Carlo simulations for the efficiency of two HPGe detectors in close geometry
    A. Olacel, C. Borcea, A. Negret, O. Sima

  6. 12:30 - 12:45
    Title: Possible connections among experimental results in accelerator and non-accelerator major present experiments at high energies
    Al. Jipa, I. Lazanu, C. Besliu, Oana Ristea, C. Ristea, V. Covlea, M. Calin, T. Esanu, D. Argintaru, Valerica Baban, A. Scurtu, Mihaela Sin, R. Margineanu, B. Mitrica, Claudia Mariana Gomoiu, Daniela Cheºneanu, Ana-Maria Apostu-Blebea, O. G. Duliu, O. Sima, I. Ursu, A. Birzu, S. Cioranu, I. Abu Qawood, Fl. Constantin, M. Straticiuc, I. Burducea, P. Mereuta, Elena Giubega, D. Felea, Andrea Danu, M. P. Potlog, C. M. Mitu, Alina Neagu, Daniela Stoica, C. Bordeianu, I. V. Grossu

  7. 12:45 - 13:00
    Title: Absolute standardization of various tracers used in PET imaging and radiotherapy radionuclides using the 4πβ(PC)-ɣ coincidence method
    R. Ioan, M. Sahagia, A. Luca, A. Antohe, C. Ivan

  8. 13:00 - 13:15
    Title: Total excitation energy partition between full accelerated fission fragments in the frame of the Point-by-Point model
    Iuliana Visan, Georgiana Giubega, Anabella Tudora

  9. 13:15 - 13:30
    Title: Reaction Cross Sections for Iron Isotopes in the Fast Neutron Region
    I. Abu Qawood, M. Sin, R. Capote, Al. Jipa

  10. 13:30 - 13:45
    Title: Thermal effects produced at cryogenic temperatures in materials used as bolometric detectors for Dark Matter
    Ionel Lazanu, Sorina Lazanu

  11. 13:45 - 14:00
    Title: New steps in the Physics studies using CBM experimental set-up
    Al. Jipa, I. Lazanu, C. Besliu, Oana Ristea, C. Ristea, V. Covlea, M. Cãlin, T. Esanu, D. Argintaru, Valerica Baban, A. Scurtu, Mihaela Sin, A. Birzu, S. Cioranu, I. Abu Qawood

  12. 14:30 - 14:45
    Title: Search of parity violation effects in neutron reactions on Lead nucleus (I)
    A. I. Oprea, C. Oprea, P. V. Sedyshev, Yu. M. Gledenov

  13. 14:30 - 14:45
    Title: Monte Carlo simulation of p-type HPGe detectors – the dead layer problem (II)
    Elena Stancu, Cristian Costache, Octavian Sima

  14. 14:45 - 15:00
    Title: Dose determination in high energy electron beams for conventional true value assessment using different plane parallel chambers (II)
    Elena Stancu, Catalin Vancea, Jiri Valenta, Josef Zeman, Eugenia Badita, Anca Scarisoreanu

  15. 14:45 - 15:00
    Title: Arguments for low energy neutrino experiments to constrain the values of the weak mixing angle in Standard Model (I)
    Ana Dumitriu

  16. 15:00 - 15:15
    Title: A neutron transmission study of environmental Gd (II)
    C. Oprea, I. A. Oprea

  17. 15:00 - 15:15
    Title: Development of an integrated on-line system for the study of the hadronic interactions in High Energy Physics (I)
    Silviu Cioranu, Alexandru Jipa, Mihai Potlog

  18. 15:15 - 15:30
    Title: Trace element distribution in human teeth by x-ray fluorescence and multivariate analysis (II)
    Cristiana Oprea, Pavel J. Szalanski, Marina V. Gustova, Ioan A. Oprea, Violeta Buzguta

  19. 15:15 - 15:30
    Title: High precision framework for Chaos Many-Body Engine - Applications (I)
    I. V. Grossu, C. Besliu, D. Felea, Al. Jipa

  20. 15:30 - 15:45
    Title: Estimation of the radioactivity induced by cosmic rays in the rock salt cavern of underground laboratory (I)
    Alexandra Chilug

  21. 15:30 - 15:45
    Title: Investigation of neutron-rich isotopes in the reaction 136xe+208pb at energies close to the coulomb barrier (II)
    I. M. Harca, E. M. Kozulin, M. Sin, K. Novikov, V. I. Zagrebaev, S. Dimitriev, S. V. khlebnikov, P. Greenless, W. H. Trazska, E. Vardaci, J. Maurer, A. DI Nitto, F. Hannape, T. Loktev, J. Pakarinen, P. Ruotsalainen, M. Sandzelius, J. Sorri

  22. 15:45 - 16:00
    Title: Improving the Simulations of Energy Deposit in the KASCADE-Grande Detectors using GEANT4 (I)
    Gherghel-Lascu Alexandru

  23. 15:45 - 16:00
    Title: Monte Carlo simulation of the IBA end-station’s gamma spectrometry system of the 3 MV Tandetron accelerator at IFIN-HH (II)
    Cristian Costache, Octavian Sima

  24. 16:00 - 16:15
    Title: Intranuclear Cascades Model and He+AT at 4.5 GeV/c Relativistic Collisions (I)
    Danut Argintaru, Calin Besliu, Alexandru Jipa, Madalin Cherciu

  25. 16:00 - 16:15
    Title: Study of Nafion® membranes with repeated frost-defrost cycles (II)
    Paul-Emil MEREUTA

  26. 16:15 - 16:30
    Title: Study of the neutron-rich isotopes 43S and 46Ar through intermediate energy Coulomb excitation (II)
    S. Calinescu, L. Cáceres, S. Grévy, D. Sohler, M. Stanoiu, F. Negoita, C. Borcea, R. Borcea, M. Bowry, W. Catford, Z. Dombradi, S. Franchoo, R. Gillibert, J. C. Thomas, I. Kuti, S. Lukyanov, A. Lepailleur, J. Mrazek, M. Niikura, Z. Podolyak, C. Petrone, Y. Penionzhkevich, T. Roger, F. Rotaru, O. Sorlin, I. Stefan, Z. Vajta, E. Wilson

  27. 16:15 - 16:30
    Title: On the GRID computing network from the “Nuclear Matter in Extreme Conditions” Research Center (I)
    Adrian Birzu, Alexandru Jipa, Mihai Potlog

  28. 16:30 - 16:45
    Title: Thermoluminescence aspects of salt from slanic deposits (II)
    Claudia Mariana Gomoiu, Alexandru Jipa, Romul Margineanu, Bogdan Mitrica, Ana-Maria Blebea-Apostu

  29. 16:30 - 16:45
    Title: Study of the Extensive Air Shower size and the energy spectra of cosmic ray muons at sea level (I)
    I. Bacioiu

  30. 16:45 - 17:00
    Title: Tomography and digital radiography with X-ray. Simulation and experiment (II)
    Mihai Iovea, Mihai Grosoşiu, Florin Necula, Alexandru Jipa, Marian Neagu

  31. 16:45 - 17:00
    Title: The study of multiplicity distributions moments from nucleus-nucleus collisions at energies available at FAIR-GSI (I)
    Vicentiu Constantin Iancu, Alexandru Jipa, Oana Ristea, Catalin Ristea

  32. 17:00 - 17:15
    Title: Assessment of conventional true value for absorbed dose to water in high energy photon beams in reference conditions using different cylindrical chambers (II)
    Elena Stancu, Catalin Vancea, Jiri Valenta, Josef Zeman, Eugenia Badita, Anca Scarisoreanu

  33. 17:15 - 17:30
    Title: Validation of the calibration method of a Carbon Endcap High-Purity Germanium detector (II)
    Alina-Nicoleta Ionescu, Mirela Angela Saizu