Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2007 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Multi-parametric prompt neutron and fission-fragment experimental data described by the "Point by Point" model
Authors: Anabella Tudora
Affiliation: Bucharest University, Faculty of Physics
E-mail atudora@gmail.com
Keywords: prompt fission neutron multiplicity; fission fragment data; average prompt gamma-ray energy; average center-of-mass energy of prompt neutrons; spontaneous fission, neutron induced fission
Abstract: The experimental multi-parametric data concerning the prompt neutron multiplicity as a function of fission fragment mass and total kinetic energy as well as other experimental data like the total excitation energy of the fission fragment pair versus the fragment mass, the prompt neutron average center-of-mass energy as a function of the fragment mass, the total average multiplicity as a function of the fission fragment total kinetic energy and the average prompt gamma-ray energy versus the fragment mass, when they exist, allow much more detailed verification of the models and parameter determination used to evaluate the prompt neutron multiplicity and spectrum data.
In this context the present work is the continuation of our previous paper where only the fission fragment pair multiplicity and sawtooth experimental data described by the Point by Point model were reported.
The Point by Point model by taking into account the entire fission fragment range provides all multi-parametric data mentioned above in overall good agreement with the experimental data available for the spontaneous fission of 252Cf and the thermal neutron induced fission of 235U and 233U. This detailed analysis proves again the powerful qualities of the Point by Point treatment and recommends this model for evaluation purposes.