2025-03-07 4:55


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting

Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics

Reaction Cross Sections for Iron Isotopes in the Fast Neutron Region

I. Abu Qawood (1), M. Sin (1), R. Capote (2), Al. Jipa (1)

(1)Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, P.O.BOX MG_11, Magurele, Romania

(2)Nuclear Data Section, International Agency for Atomic Energy


neutron reaction data

Iron is one of the most important structural materials in nuclear reactors and accelerator facilities. It was extensively studied, both experimentally and theoretically, and many independent evaluations of the nuclear reaction data in the fast neutron region are also available. Despite these efforts, the nuclear data uncertainty assessment for innovative reactor systems shows that the knowledge of the neutron cross section of iron isotopes, mainly of 56Fe, should be improved to meet the target accuracy requirements for these systems. According to the High Priority Requested List, the most problematic reaction channels are: inelastic scattering (n.n’), alpha emission (n,) and multiple- neutron and proton emission (n,xn), (n,xp) [1].The aim of this paper is to present new theory-based estimations of the neutron reaction data for the stable isotopes of natural iron 54,56,57,58Fe in the energy range 1-50 MeV. In the Bayesian philosophy, they represent a priori information which is going to be combined with the experimental data within the generalized least squared method to produce the final evaluations. The calculations have been performed with the advanced reaction models implemented in the latest release of the EMPIRE-3.1 system (codename Rivoli). Among the key ingredients used in calculations, should be mentioned: a new dispersive optical model potential coupling the low-lying levels of the vibrational bands, the Enhanced Generalized Superfluid Model for the level density and the modeling of the preequilibrium cluster emission.The preliminary model-based results have at least the same degree of accuracy of any existing final evaluation, if not better. Adopting a modern approach which makes benchmarking an integral part of the evaluation process by following an iterative procedure, one expects to reach the target accuracy requirements.