2025-03-07 4:37


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting

Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics

New steps in the Physics studies using CBM experimental set-up

Al. Jipa(1), I.Lazanu(1), C.Besliu(1), Oana Ristea(1), C.Ristea(1), V.Covlea(1), M.Călin(1), T.Esanu(1), D.Argintaru(2), Valerica Baban(3), A.Scurtu(1), Mihaela Sin(1), A.Birzu(1), S.Cioranu(1), I. Abu Qawood(1)

(1) Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest

(2) Maritime University of Constantza

(3) High School “Ovidius” Constantza


relativistic nuclear collisions, quark-gluon plasma, collective flow, correlations

The activities in the frame of the CBM Collaboration know more systematic efforts in defining physical objectives. The Relativistic Nuclear Physics group from Research Center Nuclear Matter in Extreme Conditions – member of the CBM Collaboration – decided to involve in the following major directions, in agreement with the previous expertise and present scientific goals, as well as with the main scientific objectives of the collaboration: I. Simulations with different codes for analysis of the behaviour of bulk physical quantities. In this analysis the geometry of the experimental set-up will be considered, and the energy ranges will cover all energies that will be available at SIS-100 and SIS-300, the energy gap among energies being enough small to observe changes in the behaviour of the different quantities (around 2 A GeV). II. Studies of global analysis using different tensor types (flow, thrust, sphericity etc. After calculation, it will follow the analysis taking into acount the CBM experimental set-up structure and the identification of possible signals from different detectors. III. Investigation of possible anomal states and phase transitions in nuclear matter. In this sense a special attention will be paid to the cumulative effect and to transition regime predicted in some models for the SIS-100/SIS-300 energies. IV. Production of the hypernuclei, description of the production with different models.Therefore, in the present work we will give an analysis on the present status of these aspects and will present a few preliminary results in all mentioned major directions as efforts of the group in the field.