Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2014 Meeting
Section: Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Title: Thermal stress conductors, magnetic circuits and systems insulation - risk factors
Authors: Catalin RUSU-ZAGAR(1), Gilda RUSU-ZAGAR(1)
Affiliation: INCDPM Alexandru Darabont , Bucharest, Romania
E-mail catalinrusuzagar@gmail.com; gildarusuzagar@yahoo.com
Keywords: electrical cables, safety, electrical insulating materials
Abstract: Safety and health at work has become one of the most important and substantial sectors in the European Union social policy in recent years. The role of safety and health at work is essential for enhancing the enterprises’ competitiveness and productivity, through the positive effects it produces: decrease in the cost of accidents, hazards and occupational diseases as well as increased motivation for work. Thus, the work places need to have electrical equipment in good operating condition. Such condition also depends on situation of the insulation systems.
An insulating system is a key factor of the electrical machine reliability. While in operation, the electrical motor insulation is permanently submitted to electrical, thermal, mechanical or other requirements which determine an ageing process. So, the early motor failures are associated with the accelerating deterioration of its insulation.
The samples (consisting of three lots of mottorets) have undergone a process of accelerated thermal aging, combined with mechanical and environmental stress (vibrations and humidity). The measured parameters were capacity, dielectric loss factor and absorption-reduction currents intensity. The diagnostic factor was established as insulation resistance calculated from the intensity of measured absorption currents, and the end of life criteria was a decreasing by 106 of insulation resistance.
The thermal aging was conducted in a special ovens system controlled by a LabView virtual instrumentation program. The mechanical test was performed using a vibration equipment, Ve 1000 model. The applying of moisture strength was performed in an ILKA climate chamber.
In this context the article deals with the insulating systems as their degradation can lead to the occurrence of work accidents.