Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2022 Meeting
Section: Solid State Physics and Materials Science, Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers
Title: Tuning the wavelength and threshold characteristics of a double quantum well laser with a non-resonant intense laser
Authors: Ana-Maria Statie (1), Doina Bejan (1)
Affiliation: 1)University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
E-mail ana.statie@s.unibuc.ro, doinita.bejan@unibuc.ro
Keywords: double quantum well, intense laser, threshold current density, wavelength
Abstract: We theoretically investigated the interaction of an asymmetric double quantum well in GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As with an intense non-rezonant laser radiation and its effects on energy spectrum, absorption, wavelength of the emitted radiation, threshold current density and characteristic temperature if this structure is embedded in a resonant cavity becoming the active medium of a laser. The study shows that the potential of the asymmetric double quantum well is strongly influenced by the presence of the intense laser. The results reveal an increase/decrease in the energy of the conduction/valence subbands (mainly of the first energy levels) of the well leading to an increase in the effective width of the band gap with the augment of the intensity of the external laser. This decreases the wavelength of the radiation emitted by radiative recombination. The laser emission conditions and the dependence of the threshold current density and the temperature characteristic on the laser dressing parameter and cavity length were discussed. It has been pointed out that the tunable semiconductor laser based on asymmetric double quantum well is characterized by a larger variation of the wavelength, much lower threshold currents and a higher characteristic temperature than single quantum well lasers, which gives them great stability and makes them attractive for optical communications.
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