2024-11-23 15:11


Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2022 Meeting

Solid State Physics and Materials Science, Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers

  1. 11:00 - 11:15
    Title: Plasma imaging diagnostics for high power lasers experiments
    Alexandru MĂGUREANU, Septimiu BĂLĂȘCUȚĂ, Petru GHENUCHE, Mihail O. CERNĂIANU, Ana-M. LUPU, Bogdan DIACONESCU, Cătălin M. TICOȘ, Domenico DORIA

  2. 11:15 - 11:30
    Title: Impure geometric progression of synthetic frequencies: a well-defined and precision-optimized method for absolute distance measurement
    Petre Cătălin LOGOFĂTU

  3. 11:30 - 11:45
    Title: Development of a low cost system for plasma jets generation at atmospheric pressure
    Alexandru-Gabriel STOICA, Eusebiu-Rosini IONITA, Marian BAZAVAN

  4. 11:45 - 12:00
    Title: Optical properties of the oxidized Terfenol-D thin film obtained by pulsed laser deposition
    Ruxanda MIREANU, Valentin ION, Ovidiu TOMA

  5. 12:00 - 12:15
    Title: Tuning the wavelength and threshold characteristics of a double quantum well laser with a non-resonant intense laser
    Ana-Maria Statie, Doina Bejan

  6. 12:15 - 12:30
    Title: Electron beam induced dust flows in a plasma crystal
    Dorina TICOS, Adrian SCURTU, Jeremiah WILLIAMS, Maria Luiza MITU, Cătălin M. TICOS

  7. 12:30 - 12:45
    Title: Cadmium ions (cd2+) detection using a portable plasmonic based optical fiber sensor
    Bianca-Georgiana ȘOLOMONEA, Luiza-Izabela JINGA, Vlad-Andrei ANTOHE, Gabriel SOCOL, Iulia ANTOHE

  8. 12:45 - 13:00
    Title: Behavior of paramagnetic currrent-current correlation function of a two-dimensional electron gas at low temperatures
    Claudiu Caraiani, Lucian Ion

  9. 13:00 - 13:15
    Title: Study of AII-BVI zinc based thin films for sensor applications
    Ana-Maria PANAITESCU, Dan GIURGIU, Vlad-Andrei ANTOHE, Sorina IFTIMIE, Ana-Maria RĂDUȚĂ, Adrian RADU, Lucian ION, Ștefan ANTOHE

  10. 13:15 - 13:30
    Title: Dielectric and optical properties of triglycine sulphate crystals
    Oana Diana Baban, Ciceron Berbecaru